Chelan Public Utility District
Chelan Public Utility District serves over 51,000 customers in Chelan County, Washington. Their peak demand is approximately 490 MW that is served primarily by their Rocky Reach and Rock Island hydropower dams located on the mid-Columbia River.
Clark Public Utility District
Clark Public Utility District serves 203,000 customers in Clark County, Washington. Their peak demand is approximately 490 MW that is served primarily by hydropower purchased from the Bonneville Power Administration and Clark’s River Road Natural Gas Plant.
Cowlitz Public Utility District
Cowlitz Public Utility District serves over 48,000 customers in Cowlitz County, Washington. Their peak demand is approximately 792 MW that is served primarily by hydropower purchased from the Bonneville Power Administration and Cowlitz’s Swift No. 2 hydro project located on the Lewis River.
Eugene Water & Electric Board
Eugene Water & Electric Board serves 93,000 customers in Eugene, Oregon and its surrounding areas along the McKenzie River. Their peak demand is approximately 483 MW that is served primarily by hydropower purchased from the Bonneville Power Administration and EWEB’s Leaburg, Walterville, Stone Creek and Carmen Smith hydro projects.
Grant Public Utility District
Grant Public Utility District serves 40,000 customers in Grant County, Washington. Their peak demand is approximately 717 MW that is served primarily by their Wanapum and Priest Rapids hydropower dams located on the mid-Columbia River.
Lewis Public Utility District
Lewis Public Utility District serves 31,000 customers in Lewis County, Washington. Their peak demand is approximately 226 MW that is primarily served by hydropower purchased from the Bonneville Power Administration and other purchases. They also own the Cowlitz Falls and Mill Creek hydro projects.
Seattle City Light
Seattle City Light serves almost 423,000 customers in Seattle, Washington and its surrounding areas. Their peak demand is approximately 1,740 MW that is served by purchases of hydropower from the Bonneville Power Administration as well as their own Boundary, Skagit, Cedar Falls, and South Fork Tolt hydro projects.
Snohomish Public Utility District
Snohomish Public Utility District serves 350,000 customers in Snohomish County, Washington. Their peak demand is approximately 1,317 MW that is served primarily by hydropower purchased from the Bonneville Power Administration and some of their own small hydro projects.
Tacoma Public Utilities
Tacoma Public Utilities serves over 176,000 customers in Tacoma, Washington and its neighboring communities. Their peak demand is approximately 960 MW that is served by purchases of hydropower from the Bonneville Power Administration as well as their own Cowlitz River, Cushman, Nisqually River, and Wynoochee River hydro projects.